The Dawn Wall.

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I have a few recommendations from these year of films or series that I think everyone should watch. This film moved me emotionally in a way that not much on the screen has for a while.

The Dawn Wall is the story of Tommy Caldwell and his climbing partner Kevin Jorgeson creating the first ever path up the Dawn Wall of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.

Tommy’s story is full of overcoming struggle and rising to challenges. Even now a couple weeks after watching it, I’m at a loss for how to describe the excitement of watching their story. The Dawn Wall is available on Netflix or you can check out the film’s site here.

Tonight we are going to watch Free Solo, another climbing film about Alex Honnold’s El Capitan climb without ropes. I’m so excited, and NO I don’t climb, never have, and don’t have any plans to. These stories are for everyone… climber or not.

xo Jen