Digging Up the Past


Part of my painting process is digging back in to past layers that have been long covered over. It's like excavating and rediscovering that past moments of the painting.

I've also bee spending a lot of time digging in to past years of my life lately. Reflecting on my journey as a woman and an artist.

Reminiscing about all the places I've been and the beautiful moments I've experienced so far in my life. Revisiting the struggles has been equally rewarding as I'm able to look back at tough times through a different lens these days.

All this history and experience goes in to every work I create. It makes them richer and allows me to trust my intuition as I create.

This painting knife gets used for just about everything. It's my favorite for mixing colors and blending with my cold wax medium. I also use it to lift up paint and reveal the work underneath.

Although my paintings are very layered and look as though they have a lot of texture, it's visual texture rather than physical texture. That means that my paintings are actually very smooth and flat.

When I finish a piece, I love knowing that it will find its way into someone else's hands to transform their space. It's such an honor when people purchase my work to enliven a corner of their life.