Handwoven Textile Series on Friendship - Love - Loss

“Our Journey”, 24” x 52”, Handwoven Textile

“Our Journey”, 24” x 52”, Handwoven Textile


Don’t you love the feeling when something you’ve been working on for a long time finally comes to fruition and you can share it with everyone? It feels so good.

I have finished three big textile art pieces that have been in the works for months and it is so satisfying to bring them into the world and set them free... so to speak;) I’ll be debuting them this weekend in Astoria at our gallery for the art walk. They are on exhibit along with several other pieces from my ongoing series on FRIENDSHIP • LOVE • LOSS

This series of work, numbering six pieces at this point, is incredibly close to my heart. It tells the story of one of the most meaningful friendships I’ve had in my life and what it’s like when you have to handle the loss of that bond.

I found weaving and fiber art towards the end of this relationship and it felt like the perfect medium to explore these feelings and tell the story of our journey. There are relationships that change you forever. They teach you some of the big lessons in life. You will always be stronger for having experienced them, even though the pain of loss may feel overwhelming at times. This type of bond reminds us that everyone is human, and everyone is going thru the world doing the best they know how.

I’d love to hear what you think about them. Do they resonate with you. Do they bring up stories or memories from your life?

“Celebration of Life”, Handwoven Textile, 30” x 30”

“Celebration of Life”, Handwoven Textile, 30” x 30”

“You Will Care For Me”, Framed Handwoven Tapestry, 20.5”h x 22”w

“You Will Care For Me”, Framed Handwoven Tapestry, 20.5”h x 22”w

“I Will Care For You”, Framed Handwoven Tapestry, 20.5”h x 22”w

“I Will Care For You”, Framed Handwoven Tapestry, 20.5”h x 22”w

“It’s All About Personality”, Handwoven Wall Hanging, 32”h x 20.5”w

“It’s All About Personality”, Handwoven Wall Hanging, 32”h x 20.5”w

“Appearances Aren’t Everything”, Handwoven Wall Hanging, 32”h x 20.5”w

“Appearances Aren’t Everything”, Handwoven Wall Hanging, 32”h x 20.5”w