Art in the Time of Coronavirus


Phew. We are all in it right now aren’t we. No matter where you are on this planet this pandemic is most likely affecting you in some way.

We temporarily closed the doors on our gallery March 16th and have been keeping ourselves squirreled away in our home ever since. My husband and I are lucky enough to both have home studios so we have our art practices to find solace in. We are also blessed to live in the midst of such natural beauty. We are feeding our souls with long walks on the beach and thru the woods that lie out our back door.

I have been weaving up a storm - look for some new scarves coming to the online shop soon;) My commitment to my painting practice has also been fully renewed and I have been working on several new panels recently. I hope my fellow artists are finding time to create and finding peace in the process.

For my non-artist friends reading this, I encourage you to use this time to find moments of creativity for yourself. (Perhaps this is as simple as a creative way to find yourself 30 min for a solitary walk outside or some time in the bath listening to your favorite music.) If you have the desire to create with your hands it’s the perfect time to start - making can help us work thru our emotions and ground us back in the present moment. I know it helps me daily to come back to myself.

We are all struggling thru these strange and uncertain times. Everyone’s struggle is different and everyone’s is valid. Art and beauty can be a place of solace for you if you choose to seek it out.

Much love and the biggest of virtual hugs.

xo Jen